Thursday, August 26, 2010


Welcome to the Introduction to Philosophy class blog. Each week 3-4 students will post. We will then carry on a discussion in the comments. Comment as much as you like. Keep comments under 100 words and posts under 300 words.

here is the reading schedule: 

Reading Schedule:

T                                               R______

                                          A26- Syllabus

A31 Meno to 82b                   S2 Meno (finish)


S7 Nic. Ethics I (1-7)            S9 NE I (8-13)

S14 NE II (1-9)                        S16 NE III (1-5)

S21 NE III (6-12)                    S23 NE IV (1-9)

S28 NE V (1-5)                        S30 V (6-11)

O5 NE VI (1-7)                        O7 NE VI (8-13)

O12 NE VII (1-6)                     O14 NE VII (7-14)

O19 FALL BREAK                 O21 NO CLASS

O26 NE VIII (1-14)               O28 NE IX (1-12)

N2 NE X (1-5)                        N4 NE X (6-9)


N9 Apology                           N11 Crito

N16 Clouds                            N18 Clouds

N23 Symposium to 193e      N24 THANKSGIVING

N30 Symposium to 212c      D2 Symposium (finish)

D7 Last Class